Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Renewal or Cleaning

One of the things I look forward to the most in Spring is Spring Cleaning. Not the sweep out the cobwebs, beat the rugs, wash the windows Spring Cleaning. The kind of Spring Cleaning I get excited about is when everyone in the city puts their garbage out into the street. Then little front-end-loaders and men with shovels fill large city dump trucks that make their way to the dump. My kids and I sit at the window or in the driveway and watch. A few years ago the mini front end loader split our old hand-me-down, stained, torn, couch in two pieces before lifting it into the dump truck. Six kids and I cheered from our "new" couch at the front window. Spring Cleaning is the cheapest and easiest way my family gets rid of a lot of strangling clutter.
Getting rid of the clutter from my brain often proves to be more difficult. The only solution I can think of, besides expensive therapy that probably wouldn't work anyway, is to replace the various, often contradicting, voices in my head with the Truth. My refreshing Spring habit will be simply to breathe... Inhale God's Word through reading the Bible, and exhale through prayer and journaling.
I also plan to read posts on Internet Cafe Devotions for more ideas on rejuvenation & renewal.
Happy Spring!


John Linko said...


Some good ideas there for cleaning clutter out of your head. I've got wayyyy too much of it, and it needs to go.

Glad you liked the picture with Leslie. She's doing OK, and it was a nice time.

As far as McInnis and Penry, I've got too much else to think about that is a lot more imopressive and important.

Have a great weekend!

Jen Milne said...

Great plan! I will pray for renewal for you.